Press Room


Elle Decor

House Beautiful: “Barbara Barry’s Favorite Mattress”

UPS: “Fitting A Bed in a Box”

Greenhouse: “Report on FloBeds”

Newsweek: “Goldilocks Was Right”

You Beauty: “How To Become a Morning Person”

Coast Observer: “Built in Fort Bragg… Shipped Worldwide”

Photos & Graphics

Image Thumbnail-Link Info

FloBeds Logo

FloBeds Logo FloBeds-Logo-800.jpg
right click: save target as

Mayor-Dave at Trestle

Dave at Trestle Mayor Dave at Trestle
right click: save target as

Dave in Office

dave in office Dave in office
right click: save target as

FloBeds Office/Showroom on July 4th

FloBeds on 4th of July FloBeds on July 4th
right click: save target as

FloBeds Building Redwood Ave

FloBeds Building <FloBeds Redwood Ave Building>

FloBeds Showroom

FloBeds Latex Mattress Showrooom FloBeds Showroom

Natural vZone Latex Mattress

flobed winter solstice hirez/Natural vZone Latex Mattress

Natural vZone Latex Mattress
with Euro Slat Foundation

vZone on EuroSlat hirez/Natural vZone Latex Mattress

Natural Deluxe Latex Mattress

FloBed Ocean Morning hirez/Natural Deluxe Latex Mattress

Natural Deluxe Latex Mattress Inside

Deluxe Flobed hirez/Natural Deluxe Latex Mattress Inside

Natural Latex – Milk of the Rubber Tree

Latex - Milk of the Rubber Tree Collecting Raw Rubber

Dewey at work,
in FloBeds Office

FloBeds Office - Dewey talking to customer link to hirez/OfficeDewey.jpg
right click: save target as

UPS Truck with Driver Robbie Garcia

all loaded with FloBeds

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